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Nicaragua Returns 21 Prisoners to Honduras

Honduran Police announced Sunday that Nicaragua pardoned and returned 21 prisoners, including the leader of the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) criminal organization David Elias Campbell Licona, also known as “El Viejo Dan.” Nicaragua also stated on Saturday that they intend to return prisoners to Costa Rica.

Upon their return, Honduran officials received prisoners at the Border Control Point, Las Manos. Included among the officials that welcomed the prisoners back to Honduras were officers from the Police Directorate against Maras and Gangs Against Organized Crime (DIPAMPCO), National Directorate of Prevention and Community Security (DNPSC), and intelligence agents who had diligently coordinated their return.

One of the high-profile prisoners, Campbell Licona, was apprehended in June 2021 in Nicaragua on charges of drug trafficking, following a red alert issued by INTERPOL. Campbell Licona also had an outstanding arrest warrant for illicit association dating back to February 22, 2016. Another prisoner, José Augusto Chirinos Salinas had an active arrest warrant for money laundering, issued by a Court of First Instance in Tela, Atlántida in Honduras. 

This most recent return of prisoners follows a similar transit on October 18, in which Nicaragua returned 43 prisoners to Honduras. Nicaragua has not stated why it chose to return these prisoners.

Source : Jurist
